TWB Strategic Partner in the World

TWB: the first low-profit company in the world for food safety and security

TWB promotes integrated production chains in agriculture, animal husbandry, bio-energy and food that can facilitate access to healthy eating for all. TWB's main tool is an ethically correct technological innovation in which the well-being of the human being and respect for the earth stand at the centre.
A modern declination of the Latin tradition "mens sana in corpore sano" is our philosophy in order to fight against hunger and to protect the environment.
The fight against hunger and the effort to ensure healthy eating is a moral obligation for everyone.
The motto of the 3rd Millennium must be "eat well to think well and live happily".
The challenge is to increase food production and to spread out a healthy eating culture, especially in countries where there is a lack of food safety.

TWB aims to regroup all the different actors under the common goal to set up integrated production chains, carrying a total traceability "from the field beyond the fork" so to ensure ethically programmed, sanitary controlled and certified productions for a healthy and natural nutrition.

Our program, centred on pilot areas which are based on intermediate hubs of research, should produce the first results at the same time that the Milan Expo 2015, which will be inspired to the principle “Feeding the Planet, energy for Life".
In this framework, the TWB program will be a testimonial of a new system for getting better nutrition for the Planet.